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I’m sure you’ve noticed the connection between stress and your level of anger. There might be increased pressure at work to get a job done, someone in the family might be sick, or your children might be causing added problems due to behavioral issues. It all adds up and you are left feeling out of control and angry at the world. Often times, identifying and dealing with the cause of stress in your life can reduce your anger issues.

It helps to take a deep look at what the root cause of your stress is. Are you creating it by your habits or attitude? Do you just identify yourself as a person with a lot of nervous energy, or attribute it to the list of things you have to do in your everyday life? If so and these emotions are causing you to be angry, anxious or even depressed, there are ways to learn to manage stress. You just need to be ready to take responsibility for your health and find new tools to use to help you feel calmer.

Some stress management tips include:

1) Start saying no.

Some people want to be able to please everyone and take on more responsibility than they can handle. Learn how to start putting yourself first by turning down new projects that others want to delegate to you because you are so competent.

2) Shorten your to do list.

If you have too much on your plate, try to eliminate things that aren’t absolutely necessary.

3) Be more assertive.

Don’t let others run your life. Take control by managing your time and telling others if something is bothering you in a polite and open way.

4) Change your expectations.

Accept that there are things in life that you can’t control. Just do your best and realize that you can’t control other people’s behavior. Learn to compromise, forgive and reflect on your own mistakes for personal growth.

5) Get healthy.

Get out and exercise! The endorphins help with stress reduction and you will feel better physically when you’re done. Avoid alcohol, drugs and too much caffeine or sugar. This will help you to calm down, think more clearly and get better rest.

Online anger management classes are an excellent way to delve further into this subject. Courses focus on teaching participants healthier ways to redirect their constant anger. This includes how to manage your stress, develop empathy for others, and be a more effective listener and communicator by sending clearer messages and ways to resolve conflicts in every day life. Other important lessons include how to adjust expectations and to change the conversation you are having with yourself. Specifically, learn how to think more optimistically and put life in perspective.

Clients agree that taking an 8-hour anger management class online rather than in a classroom also contributes to stress reduction. Taking a class from any Internet based device allows you to stay in the comfortable atmosphere of your own home instead of battling traffic to get to a classroom. Online classes allow for complete privacy so participants can really focus on learning about their own issues rather than hearing everyone else’s stories. Finally, online anger classes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so the customer has complete control over when they choose to learn the material.

Improve your stress management skills and life with an online anger course!

Tags: anger management classes for self-improvement