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Who Should Take Anger Management Classes Online?

A recent study showed that 32% of Americans say that they have a relative or a close friend that has a hard time getting their anger under control. When someone isn't able to control their anger, relationships fall apart, work becomes unstable and friends might take a step back. One in five people has admitted to ending a relationship due to the behavior and actions of an angry spouse or significant other. If you have had anger issues in the past or the present and it's causing problems in your life, it's important to get it under control so that nobody around you is in danger. Anger can also lead to a lonely life as people avoid the negativity and uncomfortable situations that arise when the angry person is around. Are you this person? What are your answers to the following questions?

1. How often do you get angry?

It’s normal for the average person to have feelings of anger every once in a while about obstacles, annoyances or behaviors. However, if you find yourself constantly stressed, irritated and downright mad, you most likely have a problem managing your anger.

2. What makes you angry?

Getting mad over the slightest things is one of the most common signs of anger problems. Pay attention to what makes you mad on a daily basis. There’s a difference between the toast getting burnt and your child caught cheating on a test. It's normal to have a few things in life that makes you cringe and upset but if you're getting mad at anything and everything, it’s time to evaluate your behavior.

3. How long do you stay angry?

Anger can be a result of grudges towards other people. Resentment builds up because the individual feels like they’ve been attacked, wronged or hurt in some way. If you feel like you hold angry grievances towards others for long periods of time and you just can’t seem to get past them, you need to learn skills to overcome these feelings.

4. How well can you control your anger?

When someone has an anger problem, they will do things that a rational person wouldn’t do. They will yell, scream, throw things and hit. Uncontrollable anger is a very serious problem which can land the person in serious trouble with the law, with friends and family.

There are many ways to get control of your anger but one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get involved in an anger management course. If you aren't comfortable being around people in a group setting and discussing your problems with a lot of strangers face-to-face, you can take an online anger management course. Taking an online course gives you the freedom to learn temper control in the comfort of your home. If you don't take control of your anger, it will only get worse over time. Fifty-eight percent of people who have anger problems don't know where to get the help they need. After reading this article, you now know that taking an anger management class online will help you lead a healthier, happier life.

Repair Your Marriage With Online Anger Management Classes

A long, happy marriage is a beautiful thing. Of course, conflicts, petty fights or quarrels are inevitable as it’s difficult to get along with anyone on a daily basis, year after year. Recently, a couple that had been married for 50 years was asked what the secret was. The wife answered, “It’s 3 words”. I love you might come to mind, but no, those 3 words were “get over it!” The point being that to get along with a spouse, compromises need to be made and anger must not escalate to unhealthy levels. Though anger is normal, too much of it can potentially cause devastation between a married couple. Thus, it is strongly advised that once screaming, yelling or throwing things around becomes a common household scene, taking an anger management class is a must for the health and success of the marriage.

Some people just need to be right all the time. It leads them to feel in control and superior but their spouse is left feeling emotionally beaten down and ineffective. Couples need to learn the art of communication which includes how to be assertive without being rude or derogatory, how to negotiate and how to let disagreements be disagreements and move on without anyone feeling hurt.

Anger Control programs teach how to stop letting frustration get the best of you and how to not let your anger rule your judgment. The healthy way of confronting a conflict is first figuring out the core of the problem without having to point fingers. If a person frequently gets angry, then there certainly is a pattern to its cause that can be followed. Learning these patterns is also another key of learning what triggers such strong and negative emotions. For example, does your husband inevitably walk through the front door after a long day of work and get angry when the house is a mess? Couples should learn where frustration comes from and how often it happens. Once it’s identified, work together to find a solution. In this case it might be stopping homework to have the kids help pick-up for 15 minutes prior to dads arrival, or bringing in a housekeeper once a week. Once the core is extracted, lie out some options for a solution and pick the best one. Try to meet in the middle without screaming and yelling. Take into consideration that when children are involved, you are meant to be role models and they are closely watching how you handle stressful decisions and situations.

Sublimation is also a technique that can successfully curb anger in relationships. The term can be described as basically a defense mechanism that converts negative emotions such as anger into something positive like productivity. For example, an extremely angry person might channel that anger into swimming laps, or going out for a run. In marriages, couples are taught how to move blaming and anger into intimacy, passion and acceptance.

Taking anger management classes online is extremely effective to aid in teaching couples how to communicate in a positive way and figure out their "anger buttons." Learning what triggers your partner to burst into anger will help you explore ways on how to avoid those circumstances. Online classes are perfect for busy couples because they can be taken in the privacy of their own home, and at their own convenience. Classes can be logged in and out of as many times as needed. It’s the first step in repairing and strengthening a marriage for the long-term.

Learn To Discipline Children Without Using Corporal Punishment

At some point since the “terrible twos” when your child has talked back or disobeyed rules, the thought of giving a spanking has probably crossed your mind. Maybe you were spanked as a child and feel it was an effective form of discipline, or you’ve tried everything from reasoning, to punishments, to time-outs and nothing has worked. You know that there is a great deal of controversy about the matter, but you start to wonder if it really is that bad? The simple answer is yes.

Spanking is a form of corporal punishment that is the act of striking a child on the behind with an open hand. It can also include hitting with a paddle, wooden spoon or belt. It is a form of discipline that has been used for centuries to tame disobedient children. However, in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Dr. Spock published his groundbreaking book, which told parents not to focus on strict discipline, but to treat children as individuals. The sea change in attitude brought about legislation that has outlawed domestic corporal punishment of children in 30 different countries.

Further research over the past few decades has continued to support this theory. A 2010 study showed that 3 year olds who were spanked more than 2 times per month had 50% higher chances to have hostile tendencies by 5 years old. Furthermore, this past July, the Journal of Pediatrics published a study that found that physical punishment like spanking and slapping, was linked to mood, anxiety and personality disorders, as well as substance abuse. The bottom line is that while physical discipline may give the parent a feeling of immediate satisfaction, in the long run it causes emotional issues for the child on the receiving end.

In the news last week is the story of a high school student in Texas who was paddled by a male Vice Principal. Apparently, she let another student copy her work and was caught, although she says she was unaware that the situation was occurring. She was given 2 days of in-school suspension for cheating, but after one day she decided she didn’t want to miss anymore classroom instruction and opted for a paddling. Needless to say, she was left bruised and humiliated.

Texas is one of 19 states that still allow corporal punishment. Efforts to have it banned failed last year, but parents can opt to have their children be exempted from this type of punishment. In this situation, the girl’s mother had approved of the paddling so that her top student could get back to class. The problem arose when a male Vice Principal was the one who did the swatting. School policy specifies that males swat males, and females swat females. His size and strength resulted in more serious injuries to the student.

To overcome the feelings of wanting to hit or spank your child when they act up, caregivers can take anger management courses specifically designed for parents. High quality and convenient classes are available online. Take them to learn skills to better manage and control stress, so that your angry feelings don’t turn into corporal punishment. Classes can be taken from any Internet based computer, in the privacy of your own home, and at any time that is convenient for you. It is in the best interest of your family to approach punishment in a less severe, more emotionally successful manner.

Having High Emotional Intelligence Will Help You Succeed In Corporate America

Emotional intelligence is the ability to evaluate, perceive and control emotions. To a larger extent, it also refers to the ability to understand other people, their motivations and how to work cooperatively and harmoniously with them. In a world where success is measured by happiness, emotional intelligence is just as important as intellectual ability. These are key pillars in attaining a successful life and career. In today's constantly changing and dynamic world, our success largely depends on our ability to read other people's minds, and react accordingly to them. This is the essence of emotional intelligence. But what are the skills related to emotional intelligence and how beneficial are they?

Well, there are certain pillars or skills related to emotional intelligence. Top on the list is self-awareness. This is the ability to accurately identify your emotions as it happens to enable you understand your tendencies across a given time or situation. Developing self-awareness, however, mostly requires one to tune in to their true feelings. By evaluating your emotions, you can control them successfully.

Besides self-awareness, the other emotional intelligence skill that is worth harnessing is self-regulation. More often than not, people have little control over what emotions they feel. This, however, does not mean that you do not have a saying on how long such emotions may last. There are a number of techniques that you can employ to enable you alleviate negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and depression. This may include casting such emotions in a positive light and so on.
Next on the list of emotional intelligence skills is motivation. However, this requires one to come up with clear goals and a positive attitude. Even though you may have negative attitude, you can learn to think more positively through practice and putting in some effort. You can reframe negative thoughts into positive ones, which will go a long way in enabling you achieve your goals.

The other emotional intelligence skill is empathy. This is the ability to understand how other people feel and is imperative in achieving a successful life and career. The more skillful you are at understanding how others feel, the better you will be at controlling the signals you send them back.

Emotional intelligence skills can help you navigate the social complexities of the marketplace. Besides that, these skills can help you to lead and motivate others around you. Most companies nowadays consider emotional intelligence as being as important as technical ability, and often base their judgment on the same when hiring or promoting employees. Besides that, an employee with emotional intelligence is able to communicate and relate with his coworker more effectively. They are also able to solve problems, manage change and build trust with his employers, clients and fellow employees.

To raise your emotional intelligence level, take anger management classes online. They are easily accessible from any web-based computer in the convenience of your own home. Online classes can be taken any time of the day or night and in multiple sittings. You can log-in and out whenever it is convenient for you. They are an inexpensive way to enhance your ability at meeting career goals.

Anger Management Classes For Kids

Anger is quite a normal and functional emotion. It is an emotional expression of dissatisfaction especially when things as perceived by the individual, aren't done fairly or right. However, some children have trouble controlling anger, and they can become aggressive, leading to detrimental repercussions. Children who are innately unable to manage their angry behavior can be taught the skills before this inappropriate behavior becomes a habit. In an anger management class, your child will be taught basic anger control techniques, as well as stress management.

Like all behavioral issues, it is most beneficial if the parent recognizes the signs of uncontrollable anger, and deals with it at an early age. Talk to your child about why they feel so angry and try to work together to establish what triggers the behavior. It is helpful to observe the behavior, and learn to identify the early warning signs when anger is starting to well up. Strategize together by talking to each other the things that he/she can do to combat the anger. You can encourage your child to handle it by walking away, taking deep breaths or simply counting to 10 in their mind before responding to a situation that is making them angry.

Team up with your child to assist him in dealing with his anger. Let your child know that you are there for him and you will work together to get rid of these bad feelings. For younger children, this process could be fun and creative. You can simply give the anger a nick-name and try drawing it. A good example of this could be by calling it a volcano that is deemed to an eventual explosion.

Set your anger management goals together so that he feels part of the solution, and agree to work towards their accomplishment. Be clear and establish exactly what the goals are and what it will take to obtain them. Many parents find a star chart, pinned on the wall with established awards a successful way of reaching positive results.

Keep in mind that positive feedback is imperative. No matter how small they may seem, praise the child's efforts along the way. This can help your child to build up confidence and realize immediate gratification for his good behavior.

Signs of anger in children can lead to various responses. Some children will start off with clenched fists, tenseness in their body, a verbal outburst, or straight out physical violence. Uncontrollable anger will continue on to destruction of items, harm to others or themselves. When a child is displaying this behavior, be aware of the environment around him and ensure it is safe by removing sharp or heavy objects, and other people who could receive the brunt of it.

Anger management classes designed specifically for adolescents are a great tool for parents facing this type of behavior. Since kids today really enjoy being on the computer, have them take a class online. Children’s anger management programs are specially designed to help kids figure out the triggers of their anger by utilizing a cognitive-behavior therapy that focus on recognition, relaxation, and expression of feelings, self awareness and stress management. Online classes designed specifically for kids are interesting, educational and are created to keep their attention. Classes can be taken individually, with a parent, or the entire family in the privacy of your own home. This is a highly beneficial aspect of online classes, as the child does not need to feel embarrassed or shy in front of other students in a classroom environment. It enables a more relaxed atmosphere in which the family can stop the program at any time to talk about different questions or issues that arise. Anger management classes are a tool that every parent should consider when dealing with an angry child.